List of Public SSM Parameters for Ubuntu AMI (canonical)
I have been frequently using Public SSM Parameters for EC2 Images recently in CloudFormation templates, so I decided to put the complete list of the Public SSM Parameters for Ubuntu available here. This post specifically lists the Public SSM Parameters for Ubuntu Linux or for the /aws/service/canonical/ path. Here is the Python3 code that I used that…
List of Public SSM Parameters for Amazon Linux AMIs (ami-amazon-linux-latest)
I have been frequently using Public SSM Parameters for EC2 Images recently in CloudFormation templates, so I decided to put the complete list of the Public SSM Parameters for Amazon Linux available here. This post specifically lists the Public SSM Parameters for Amazon Linux or for the /aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/ path. Here is the Python3 code that I used…
List of Public SSM Parameters for Windows AMI (ami-windows-latest)
I have been frequently using Public SSM Parameters for EC2 Images for CloudFormation templates, so I decided to put the complete list of the Public SSM Parameters available here. This post specifically lists the Public SSM Parameters for Windows or for the /aws/service/ami-windows-latest/ service. Here is the Python3 code that I used that uses boto3…
What happens when you have too many EC2 Images / AMI?
I have always been wary of EC2 Images and EBS Snapshots since they are cheap and are usually the last place where people would look to lower their AWS bill.
Direct Connect and VLANs
We were troubleshooting a network configuration on using AWS Direct Connect and as it turns out that the VLAN can be different coming from the Customer Gateway to the Customer POP Router and Customer POP Router to Public/Private Virtual Interface (VIF).
How to get the price of AWS Load Balancers using Boto3 and Python
Below is a Python Script that gets the price of AWS Elastic Load Balancers (ELB). This can retrieve prices for Classic, Application, Network and Gateway Load Balancers. It can also get the price of load balancers in AWS Outposts. See the different examples of how to use this Python code below. Output
Hosted Public VIFs and LOA for Public IP and ASN
Let’s say there are 2 companies. Each company has an AWS Account of their. Company A account owns the Direct Connect connection. They then created a Hosted Public Virtual Interface (VIF) to Company B account. Company B account will then accept the Hosted Public VIF from Company A account. Company B owns the public IP…
Public Virtual Interface (VIF) only advertising the AWS Prefixes on the same region
We have a Direct Connect (DX) connection in Mumbai Region and we need to access an S3 bucket or an EC2 Instance with Elastic IP in N. Virginia region. For this we will need to use Public Virtual Interface (VIF). When we setup the Public VIF and configured the router in the Corporate Data Center,…
How to get the On-Demand price of EC2 Instances using Python and Boto3
The Python code below gets the on-demand price (in USD) of the EC2 instance type t2.micro in the Asia Pacific (Mumbai) region with Linux operating system. Note: There are more examples below where we get the hourly price of different on-demand EC2 Instances like other operating system or EC2 Instances that are running on Dedicated…
AWS Direct Connect connection Status still ‘available’ when there is an issue with our On-Premise Router
When we were setting up a Direct Connect I was wondering why the Direct Connect connection has state of ‘available’ but the router in the Corporate Data Center was off.