Amazon Connect AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Connect. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonConnect Python Code to get Attribute Names for AmazonConnect using Boto3
Amazon CloudWatch AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for AmazonCloudWatch. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonCloudWatch Python Code to get Attribute Names for AmazonCloudWatch using Boto3
DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX). Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonDAX Python Code to get Attribute Names for Amazon DAX using Boto3
Amazon Elasticsearch Service AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Elasticsearch Service. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonES Python Code to get Attribute Names for AmazonES using Boto3
AWS AppSync Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for AWS AppSync. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AWSAppSync Python Code to get Attribute Names for AWSAppSync using Boto3
AWS Certificate Manager Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for AWS Certificate Manager. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AWSCertificateManager Python Code to get Attribute Names for AWS Certificate Manager using Boto3
AWS WAF Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF). Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: awswaf Python Code to get Attribute Names for AWS WAF using Boto3
AWS Secrets Manager Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for AWS Secrets Manager. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AWSSecretsManager Python Code to get Attribute Names for AWS Secrets Manager using Boto3
AWS Outposts Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for AWS Outposts. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AWSOutposts Python Code to get Attribute Names for AWS Outposts using Boto3
AWS KMS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for AWS Key Management Service (KMS). Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: awskms Python Code to get Attribute Names for AWS KMS using Boto3