How to get the price of AWS Load Balancers using Boto3 and Python
Below is a Python Script that gets the price of AWS Elastic Load Balancers (ELB). This can retrieve prices for Classic, Application, Network and Gateway Load Balancers. It can also get the price of load balancers in AWS Outposts. See the different examples of how to use this Python code below. Output
How to get the On-Demand price of EC2 Instances using Python and Boto3
The Python code below gets the on-demand price (in USD) of the EC2 instance type t2.micro in the Asia Pacific (Mumbai) region with Linux operating system. Note: There are more examples below where we get the hourly price of different on-demand EC2 Instances like other operating system or EC2 Instances that are running on Dedicated…
How to get the price of EBS Snapshots using Boto3 and Python
The code below gets the price of an EBS Snapshots given the AWS Region using Python and Boto3. Output
How to get the Region Name for AWS Price List API using Python and Boto3
When using the AWS Price List API, one of the most used attribute is the location attribute. This attribute is used to filter the region of your target resource. Unfortunately, the location attribute is not in the region code that we use when programming in Python and Boto3, like us-east-1. Instead, it is descriptive like…
What regions will the AWS Price List API work?
I tried accessing the AWS Price List API using the Singapore region (ap-southeast-1) but it resulted the error Could not connect to the endpoint URL: "". But whenever I use the N. Virginia Region (us-east-1) it works without any issues.
Amazon Transcribe AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Transcribe. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: transcribe Python Code to get Attribute Names for Amazon Transcribe using Boto3
Amazon Translate AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Translate. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: translate Python Code to get Attribute Names for Amazon Translate using Boto3
AWS VMware Cloud Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for VMware Cloud on AWS. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: VMwareCloudOnAWS Python Code to get Attribute Names for VMware Cloud on AWS using Boto3
AWS Snowball Extra Days Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for AWS Snowball Extra Days. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: SnowballExtraDays Python Code to get Attribute Names for AWS Snowball Extra Days using Boto3
AWS OpsWorks Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for AWS OpsWorks. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: OpsWorks Python Code to get Attribute Names for AWS OpsWorks using Boto3