Amazon Sumerian AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Sumerian. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonSumerian Python Code to get Attribute Names for Amazon Sumerian using Boto3
Amazon SimpleDB AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon SimpleDB. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonSimpleDB Python Code to get Attribute Names for Amazon SimpleDB using Boto3
Amazon Route 53 China AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Route 53 China. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AMAZONROUTE53REGIONALCHINA Python Code to get Attribute Names for Amazon Route 53 China using Boto3
Amazon Quantum Ledger Database AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Quantum Ledger Database. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonQLDB Python Code to get Attribute Names for Amazon Quantum Ledger Database using Boto3
Amazon Prometheus AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Prometheus. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonPrometheus Python Code to get Attribute Names for Amazon Prometheus using Boto3
Amazon Pinpoint AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Pinpoint. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonPinpoint Python Code to get Attribute Names for Amazon Pinpoint using Boto3
Amazon Personalize AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Personalize. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonPersonalize Python Code to get Attribute Names for Amazon Personalize using Boto3
Amazon Neptune AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Neptune. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonNeptune Python Code to get Attribute Names for Amazon Neptune using Boto3
Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA). Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonMWAA Python Code to get Attribute Names for Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) using Boto3
Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonMSK Python Code to get Attribute Names for Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka using Boto3