Tag: AWS

  • Amazon CloudFront AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values

    Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon CloudFront. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonCloudFront Python Code to get Attribute Names for AmazonCloudFront using Boto3

  • Alexa for Business AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values

    Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Alexa for Business. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: A4B Python Code to get Attribute Names for A4B using Boto3

  • Boto3 Response to JSON String in Python

    When working to programmatically check or configure your AWS infrastructure in Python, we need to use Boto3. Most of the time we will need to check the output of the Boto3 Client by printing it to the terminal. Unfortunately, printing directly the boto3 response is not really easy to understand. The best way to work…

  • Listing AWS Regions using boto3 Python

    If you want to programmatically retrieve the AWS regions one of the best ways to do this is via Python boto3 package. In boto3, specifically the EC2 client, there is a function named describe_regions. This will retrieve the regions that are in AWS. See different uses of the describe_regions function below. Basic code for retrieving…

  • Understanding gp3 IOPS – EBS Volumes

    In my goal to understand when the gp3 is cheaper than gp2 volumes, I need to know what each of the performance settings of each Elastic Block Store (EBS) Volume Types are. I have already discussed the Throughput of gp3 and gp2 in different posts. If you do not know what Throughput is then I…

  • gp2 vs gp3 Cost Comparison – EBS Volumes

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) has launched the gp3 type EBS Volume and they are saying that it is 20% cheaper compared to gp2 types. Since the gp3 has a different pricing model compared to the gp2, I decided to go down this rabbit hole to see if the statement that gp3 is 20% cheaper than…

  • gp3 Throughput Explained – EBS Volumes

    In order for me to understand when a gp3 volume becomes cheaper than a gp2 volume, I need to understand the difference between the two EBS Volume types. We have discussed before what is Throughput and how it affects performance of EBS Volumes. In this post we will be discussing the Throughput of gp3 volumes.…

  • EBS Volumes Throughput Explained

    I have been using gp2 type Elastic Block Store (EBS) Volumes by default, that when the gp3 type was launched I was really curious about the difference between the two. This lead me into a rabbit hole trying to look beyond the statement of Amazon Web Services (AWS) that “gp3 is 20% cheaper than gp2…